Employee Self Service (ESS)

ESS lets employees handle HR and job tasks, saving labor and boosting efficiency.

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Manage your information easily

Employee Self-Service is an online-based application that enables employees to access HR, payroll, and benefits information. It’s typically the employee side of a larger Human Resource Management System (HRMS) provided with centralized access to all payroll, HR, and benefits information.

Time-Saving HR Management
Employee-Own Leave Management
Employee-own Attendance
Event & Training Management
Employee Control and Engagement
Accurate Information using Location
Suitable for Field Force
Analytical Reports
Request Official Letters
View Pay Slip & Salary Information
Resigning Application
Conveyance Bill Submision

Employee Self Service Features

Informative Dashboard

Our informative dashboard represents your information with easy-to-read graphical data.

Mobile App

Manage your self-service remotely through our latest mobile app to work fast and easily.

Automatic attendance

Our Self Service Attendance Management System speeds up and simplifies your HR Operations.

Leave Management

Request leave, get a confirmation email, and calculate leave benefits automatically.

Location-based Attendance

Easy and location-based attendance if your work from the field or home to save time and money.

PF & Tax Info

Benefit from the accurate automatic calculation of your provident fund contributions and taxes.


Why Choose Systech Employee Self Service

When it comes to selecting a technology partner for your business, experience, expertise, and reliability are paramount. Systech Digital Limited, with its impressive 23 years of industry experience, offers tailored software solutions that cater to your unique requirements. Our commitment to quality, comprehensive services, and unwavering focus on customer satisfaction made us the ideal choice for businesses seeking a trusted and capable partner. With Systech Digital Limited by your side, you can confidently navigate the digital landscape and achieve your business goals. By choosing our ready software products/solutions, users can benefit from their efficiency, customizability, user-friendliness, scalability, reliability, security, integration capabilities, support, documentation, and cost-effectiveness.


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